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Names and Numbers Yellow Pages

Names and Numbers now provides “real-time” directory information in an iphone app for today’s user-on-the-go! ...


Store review

Names and Numbers now provides “real-time” directory information in an iphone app for today’s user-on-the-go! Access our mobile yellow pages and locate business addresses, phone numbers, web sites, emails, advertisements, and other app features. Our voice search allows you to interact with your iphone in a way that makes finding the businesses you need easier.

Sort by relevance of search topic to locate our premium advertisers, or by distance to find the closest results to you via our GPS locator. Toggle results on a map or view results in our standard list view version … it’s just that simple!


- Local business search … on a national level
- GPS locator finds where you are and delivers business listings closest to you
- Easily change the location to search businesses anywhere in the U.S.
- Voice search allows for quick interaction, as well as fast response time
- Find business web sites, emails, advertisements, and more with the touch of a button
- Zoom and Scroll map features allow users to find results in any area
- Get driving directions to any business located on map
- Sort results by relevance, distance, or alphabetically

Disclaimer: This app may use your location even when it isn’t open, which can decrease device battery life.

Store rating


out of

5 reviews


26.9 MB

Last update

June 23, 2020

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