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Don't know where to begin studying for the USMLE exam? Tired of carrying books everywhere you go? USMLE is a f...

$ 1.99

Store review

Don't know where to begin studying for the USMLE exam? Tired of carrying books everywhere you go? USMLE is a flashcard review app for the United States Medical Licensure Exam - with over 8,000 detailed flashcards to help you prepare. Study on the train, on the bus, anywhere you want - as long as you have your Iphone or Ipod touch


* Developed by experienced Doctors
* Comprehensive review covering every subject you need to pass the exam
* Allows students to study on the go
* Create and store your own personalized flashcards
* Elegant and intuitive interface
* Supports portrait and landscape mode
* Compatible with Iphone and Ipod touch

Included Content

* Biochemistry
* Behavioral science
* Anatomy
* Microbiology
* Physiology
* Pharmacology
* Pathology
* and much more!

Download the USMLE Review app and get ready to score high on the United States Medical Licensure Exam today!

Store rating


out of

18 reviews


2.8 MB

Last update

March 26, 2015

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